“A delighted New Year to all of us and let us pray together for a better year with a good environment to nurture”.
New Year celebrations reminds us of many things to expect in the upcoming days, yet new year’s resolutions come first to our minds. Did you know that every three out of ten Americans declare a new resolution? Although few of them fail to achieve it, most people make it a success so keep trying as long as you can.
The New Year: Interesting facts.
Romans became the ones who first introduced the calendar to the world.
The Gregorian calendar happens to be the perfect model of a solar calendar. The solar calendar has 365 days as the Earth orbits the sun.
Pope Gregory of Rome, later changed it to the Gregorian calendar and it occurs as the largely used calendar globally. Gregorian New Year falls on the day of 1st January as the earth goes around the sun every year.
When do we have New Year celebrations in India?
We do the new year celebrations on January 1st every single year in India. Every year in India initiates with positive feelings of care, gifting, a great feast, partying, bursting luminous crackers, and whatnot.
However, we have our own calendar in India dated around 6000 BCE. We Indian people have our sun calendar that differs from state to state. Regardless, we all welcome the new year with a good prayer, visiting the temple, and good food with family.
Why do we commemorate New Year festivities?
People from all over the globe enjoy their day in the new year celebrations. Think good things, speak positively, ignore the negativity, wake up fresh, and be at peace all through the new year day.
It will continue to spread day by day, month by month throughout the 365 days and 6 hours of one year. The number one is special no matter what so start with hope to make it worthwhile. Happy New Year to all once again!
Why do we call January the starting month of the year?
An ancient Roman god named Janus who has dual faces to see past and future happened to be the lord of all good starts. Hence the name January came at the beginning of every new year to honor Janus, the god of beginnings. Though we have many gods of beginnings all over the globe, like Lord Ganesha of India.
What is the national calendar of India?
Regardless of the Gregorian calendar, people have a variety of solar calendars worldwide. Despite that, we have our own National calendar called the Saka calendar which initiates the year on the 22nd of March in the Gregorian one.