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JS Math object, the next big thing in JavaScript

Writer's picture: AdminAdmin

Have you heard of the quote that says you can become a financial expert when you are good at math? Yes, all aspirants should have a good knowledge of mathematics. It always comes all through life to make better economic decisions.

It would be no less when it comes to the system and its programming languages too. Last but not least we shall see all about the math object, properties, and methods. Javascript does not get fulfilled without the math object.


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What is a JS math object?

The JS math object has been used to do all kinds of arithmetical operations and other related tasks. Javascript makes good use of it to carry on with the basic activities to complex techniques in numbers.

Ex- Math.PI; answers the PI.

The math object can be as static as it should be without any constructor. Whereas the characteristics and procedures have been done even with no math object, to begin with. Like calculations, like features.

JS Math Properties

We create the so-called JS math property as that will often be the same.

  • Math.E; results as Euler's formula.

  • Math.PI as the PI number.

  • Math.SQRT2 becomes the square root of the number 2.

  • Math.SQRT1_2 gives the square root of ½.

  • Math.LN2 as the logarithm of the no.

  • Math.LOG2E lends the base 2 logarithms of E.

JS Math Methods

Mathematical processes the items via Math.method(number);. It also has four main routines to round off a decimal. Regardless, the mathematical figure has multiple categories that we will come across in the latter.

  • Math.round(3.2); brings the digit 3 to its closest integer.

  • Math.ceil(3.2); Math. floor(3.2); Math.trunc(3.2); all the types of practices get the similar numeral that occurs as 3.

  • Math.sign(a); provides the output of whether the number is negative, positive, or null.

Ex- Math.sign(-5); tells the negative one.
  • Math.pow(a, b); says the numeric value of a to the power of b.

Ex- Math.pow(2, 3); hands out the no. 

8 becomes the answer to the two to the power of three.
  • Math.sqrt(a); offers the square root of a.

Ex- Math.sqrt(5); output is 25.
  • Math.abs(a); = positive value of the no.

Ex- Math.abs(-5.9); output = 5.9.
  • Math.sin(a); place the sine value between -1 and 1 of the given angle. The slope may be in radians rather than magnitudes. Thus you need to transform the capacities as per required.

Ex: Math.sin(90*Math.PI/180).
  • Math.cos(a); Likewise it delivers the cosine value of 0 degrees as 1.

Ex: Math.cos(0*Math.PI/180);
  • Math.min( ); drives the smallest number from a set of nos.

  • Math. max( ); equals the greatest number from a group of numbers.

  • Math.log(a); does the natural logarithm of the no. correspond with the no of times you need to multiply to get going.

  • Math.log2(a); produces the outflow as to how many you need to multiply by 2 to get the no.

Ex- Math.log2(6); 3 times you need to multiply the no.2 to get to 3.
  • Math.log10(a); similar to the above description

for instance Math.log10(100); confers the reply as 10.

JS Random

JS random bestows the output of spontaneous numbers between a certain digit.

Ex- Math.random( ) conveys any number between zero and one but a number lesser than one.

JS Random Integers

Math.floor( ) withdraws the integer value randomly for instance. Although there can be no integers but only whole numbers without decimal points.

Ex: Math.floor(Math.random*10); 

Retrieves any number from zero to one. 
It can even be 0,1 or any nos within them. 
It changes the output every time you ask for it.

A suitable random operation

A suitable random operation contains proper random number access to the user. It would even be identical to the things we have just read. Despite that, the JS task will return the number with max and min including both of them.

Ex: Math.floor(Math.random()*(max-min))+min; 

This draws any numbers with either the maximum amount of one, the minimum amount of zero, or both. 

JS Booleans

JS Booleans symbolizes only two values whether it is true or false. Yes, it has been very straightforward like yes or no, on or off, true or false. Ex: Boolean( ) aids in learning whether a variable is true or false. Boolean(10>9) impacts the output of "True".

It has been adopted to reveal the comparison and condition functions as well. It also affects everything with a value that must be true and false without a value. Any value such as digits, integers, minus value, plus value, or any string should come as true.

While any empty string, zero, null, Nan, or undefined literals all come to a boolean value false. The fundamental boolean values have to be keyed in as literals. Some can even be written into objects yet it slows down the execution so best not to try.


We have seen all about the mathematical operations that can be useful for life not for JS alone. It's safe to say that a math job has been quite vital in all programming languages. Don't you need to learn the in and out of these amazing math objects in Javascript? Not only that but also you get to practice and work on the global objects on the prominent website calanjiyam.

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Is the math object static or dynamic?

The math object is static so we can call it as per requires without creating it. All the functions it makes and even its methods exist as stagnant. You can call those scenarios via math as an object too.

Is math knowledge required for Javascript?

To your surprise, the study shows that you don't need to master the math for JS. It still helps in a great way if you can perform a basic math operation easily. In a nutshell, you can build a program if you can think logically.

What is the major usage of a math object?

Math takes place as a built-in object of Javascript. It offers you to do basic math tasks in no time. Even so, it doesn't necessarily need a separate constructor. It can be utilized as an item alone. You also can make use of its numerous procedures to do all the arithmetic processes.


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