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How do JS Operators play a crucial part in computers?

Writer's picture: AdminAdmin

JS Operators happen to be a symbol in computers or any language for instance. Though It can be either a sign of addition(+), subtraction(-), division(÷), or multiplication(×) in mathematics. The operator is used for a unique operation and that's it. Who knew it could be that simple right? It's high time we get to comprehend the in and out of operators.

JS Operators

Image credits - Kinsta

What are operators in computer language?

Computer operators occur as a vital part in doing special operations. Likewise, you can use the plus symbol to add, a minus symbol to subtract, and a cross symbol to multiply the data values. The data values(numbers) become operands when it joins the operators. It also applies to all kinds of programming languages in the computer system.

What are JS operators?

  • The JS operators have the same characters and details in the JavaScript language as well.

  • The programmers make use of the operators to do any or every operation.

  • It may be utilized to add, subtract, multiply, and divide.

  • We can do logic calculations, comparisons, and assign values too.

  • Ex: 1×2. Here 1 and 2 are operands and × figure denotes the multiplication function. Indeed, it produces the result.

Five distinctive styles of JS operators

Arithmetic JS operators

Arithmetic or mathematical JS operators are differentiated into four major categories known as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Be sure to look at the table to better understand the javascript arithmetic operations.

JS Operating emblem



The sum of two nos


Reducing the right operand from the left


Multiplying two nos




Diving right numeric data from left







Assignment JS operators

Assignment JS operators have been normally available to assign the number values to an operand. We also have shift, bitwise, and logical assignment operators other than some basic ones.

JS Operators sign


Alternatively called






















Shift assignment operators

Shift assignment operators can be seen in a variety of properties like right shift and left shift assignment operators. Right shift operators move to two places and reassign the data to the left operand. Whereas the left shift will move two places left and allow the character to the right operand.

Bitwise assignment operators

Bitwise AND &=, OR |= operators employ the meaning allocated to them. For example, the &= will set this and that means left and right operand. However, the |= sets this OR which means left or right ones.

Logical assignment operators

Logical assignment operators give the character to the whole data be it correct or wrong. It also carries the symbols as ‘AND, OR, NOT’. The computer device takes the logical operators of a program to find the appropriate answers.

Data types

Data happens to be nothing but information. The information in turn can be anything in the form of strings, digits, or even objects. We shall now see in brief the different data and their features.

  • String- String value set the character to a string of letters or words.

  • Number- This one represents the digits or numeric value.

  • Bigint- BigInt gives us enormous space to place the big integers.

  • Boolean- This Boolean communicates whether the data is true or false.

  • Undefined- It has only one value called Undefined.

  • Null- It has one value known as Null alone.

  • Symbol- The symbol will not be changed and it seems to be always the same no matter what. It also can be named as a unique identifier.

  • Object- This data has been one of a kind since it can store data collections altogether. It should save all the data right from numbers to big integers.


Objects have been set as variables just like the usual ones where a is assigned to a data value. We can create an object using the object literals in short. Objects include their properties and methods as follows.

Object properties

The object has many properties like it involves the actual name instead of any variable values like a or b. The name in pairs has been also referred to as object properties. Ex- first name as calanjiyam, last name as consultancies, tenure as 5 years, and phone number correspondingly.

Object methods

Objects will have methods whenever needed so that it enhances actions. Actions or methods performed on the preferred objects. Methods can be reserved as function expressions.

Ex- function or method or action sourced as a keyword that will offer ‘this’ if programmed properly. ‘This’ code contains several data values too. Here ‘this’ means the object specification.


Function occurs to be the foundation block of JS. We can repurpose it as many times as we would want. Similarly, the function builds the JS program with even more clarity, organized, recycled, and maintained.

Function syntax

The function keyword then the name and the parentheses form the basic syntax of the function. Function name holds the letters, numbers, underscores, and dollar symbols. Parentheses include a block of parameters that comes under the curly brackets parted by commas.

Function invocation and Function return

  • The javascript coding executes when something invokes or calls for the function.

  • As soon as the function return code comes around, the system stops the execution.

  • The function operates the return statement to give the code output after being called out.

  • The data under the return will get back to the caller.


We have seen all about the operators and their nature. It revolves around and does multiple tasks in JS or any coding for that matter. Wondering how to manage and give work to the device and get results instantly. Stop your search as you have come to the right place.

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How many JS operators are there and what are they?

Javascript has about four important kinds of operators.

Its operators can be as vibrant as you would want them to be. They are

  1. Arithmetic operators

  2. Assignment operators

  3. Comparison operators

  4. Logical operators 

What are the two main pillars of Javascript?

The most popular coding language JS has two pillars in it, no wonder. They are “Prototypal OO, and Functional programming” that are mostly practiced in FB, Netflix, Instagram, Microsoft, and so on.

What are objects in Javascript?

Objects have been known as things in common English. The same applies to systems too. Objects take place in Javascript or any computer language as an item that has its features and benefits. Ex- a person’s name has a first name, last name, age, gender, etc.,

Check out the video on the JS Operators-

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